
To join the Bobcaygeon & District Horticultural Society, please complete and submit the Membership Form below. Please bring your annual membership fee ($15.00) when you attend our next meeting.

Alternatively, you can print and complete this detailed form, and mail it with your membership fee to the address on the form.

Membership form

We welcome anyone who has an interest in gardening. Here is how you can make a difference for our Society. Please check one or more:

Plant and maintain a garden with others
Provide assistance to the Garden Tour team
Provide assistance to the Potting Party team
Provide assistance to the Plant Sale team
Provide assistance at our various shows
Provide assistance at our Summer Tea
Assist others in finding speakers
Assist others in creating our Newsletter

Assist others in creating the Yearbook
Assist others at our 7 monthly meetings
Assist others with membership registry
Assist others with the publicity of events
Assist others in communicating with members
Assist others with our childrens` programs
Assist others in photographing events
Assist others in preparing our parade floats
Bring it to the next meeting